Wednesday, July 27, 2005
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ur co-writer here, i just realised i spelled chauvinist wrongly, and like i told u to correct its asiatic.
Congrats. You got the shade of the uniform right. But no badge! How can?! She'll get booked!
What does feminism have to do with elitism? ;)
A real Feminazic Raffles Guy wouldn't fold her sleeves, And her pinafore would be longer!
Boy scouts wear light green? He looks like a surgeon!
Chauvinist is misspelled. Ok won't pick on other spelling/grammar :)
If you're not wearing a bra, it's still alright if you're wearing a pinafore (ala Raffles Guys). As in supposedly one can tell, but apart from that there're no cheap thrills.
Damn I thought I'd be the first. That's what writing long comments gets you :P
The first modern bra was invented by a French woman btw
WOOHOO~Me is namber invented bra??....must be those see thru kind lar....Dun worry...I'll still "support" you all the way (pun intended)..haha. Go RGS Girlz!!
Eng & Agagooga : Corrected! =D
Agagooga : Hey, give us some slack, it's our first full-colour webcomic! And we don't mind inventing a few words. For Elitism, see page 11. ;)
you guys rock! haha!
LOL. this one's funny too! definitely gone too far overboard with the elitism and feminism. EXCELLENT WORK!
"Congrats. You got the shade of the uniform right. But no badge! How can?! She'll get booked!
What does feminism have to do with elitism? ;)
A real Feminazic Raffles Guy wouldn't fold her sleeves, And her pinafore would be longer!"
she'd rather then bow down to your chauvinistic stereotyping!
great stuff dudes.
am waiting for the JCs to get scorched soon :D
Well done!
nice one.
damn funny! tho i must say we rg gals aint that extreme. wahahas.
hey nice.. u sure have creativity..
always nice to see some local creativity and humour. keep it up!
fantastic, keeps this up, this is definately gonna make my day everytime youguys post a new one
wahahaha.... got anymore or not? Anymore?
There's a thin line btwn cynicism and sarcasm.
yar continue..continue.. comics dun get more realistic then this.ok lar bud ri guys nowadays wun offer the umbrella to the rg girls. that job has been outsourced to the ac guys
lol, true true.
haha. man. hilarious. =)
Filiae Melioris Aevi
oh boy this is really funny shit (: haha although yeah rg girls aren't that extreme.
from a rg girl.
Is the 'horde of horny guys' RI boys or SJI boys? Their uniforms look exactly the same and both schools' badges are exactly the same shape [save for the gryphon on top of the RI badge] and almost the same colour.
HAHAHA... that was hilarious!
Especially that part about the RI guy offering the umbrella and the boy scout part. (:
Though I must admit, I haven't seen any rgs girl that feministic yet. (x
Keep it up! Love your comics...
From an rg girl
this is real funny!! u guys should publish a book or sth. :D keep it up *thumbs up*
-sy (yes,ex-rg girl)
this is gd stuff, should send to newspaper for sundays where they like to publish all the teenage sure they would love this...
haha gd job, well done...
keep it up!
i suppose there's a single slight inaccuracy.
most of my fellow rafflesians of the fairer sex would probably rather mug than burn bras.
farewell, female world domination.
haha. nice one.
but no one burns bras.
we aren't that feminist.
we have better things to do.
like shopping at orchard.
i've to say it's really interesting. hahas. for one, i do agree with the comic (though admittedly not all rgs gals are feminazic).
and seriously, ri guys will not automatically offer umbrellas to rgs gals for the reason offered of being scorched by them. yupp.
*nose bleeds* xD
Your comics are love!
im in rgs and i tell you.
for the sake of humour, this is a riot. i have an english teacher just like that! hohohoho...
yeah and i agree, most of us are like that.
although secretly, we do wear bras. :)
not bad, i wish we *were* that fierce.
haha i would venture to say the horny guys include both ri and sji.
oh and thanks for advertising our school blog for us (as well as our genial sense of humour!)
*runs off to show my whole class*
Whoo hoo. (hi nat) fabulous.
Oh and if you ever need space, I'm up for hosting (:
[Hi Fen, Nat]
Yup, this is really hilarious! Its okay...i think its too funny to take personally. Actually, i think being the RGS Devil is kinda cool. All scary red eyes. We arent really that feminist and yes, we do wear bras. [and we have our own umbrellas] But hey! The colour of the uniform isnt right...we changed our uniform colour a while ago.
Hey! This is really hilarious! I like how RGS is being portrayed. =D
this web user have a long history mental illness, he is a very UNSTABLE person. we warn every readers to read his blog with care.
heys. i'm from rg but did manage to poke some fun at us. haha. after reading thru the whole comic, i feel that it's not really about putting us in a bad light. coz it's a too far-fetched to paint as feisty militants. on the other hand, it suggests some kind of hidden desire for males to make lewd comments about us. ahaha. was that your intention, i wonder
ri guys are too arrogant to bother about us ladies la..
and actually rg girls are more overly-professional than feministic. (:
haha you guys are hilarious..nah we arent'd prob see hoards of rg ppl at orchard rather than congregations of mad women burning bras ahaha..
why does sc want to sue you guys for little things when we rg girls can laugh off your feministic jokes on us? haha...oh well...good job guys...keep posting
this is FUNNY! great work=)
a rg girl here,
I think that this is hilarious!lol,
but we aren't really how u portrayed us to be,bra-burning beasts.And by the way, RI guys aren't gentlemenly enough to offer us umbrellas so it's a little far-fetched..
But overall, it's pretty funny so keep up the good work!
RG Girlz rawk and rules!keep up wif the rafflesian spirit!Go!
this is really funny. oh and i think it'd be really cool if you could do some comic with all the 3 raffles schools. our lovely raffles family. haha. but PLEASE do a special one slamming RI. [so the rg feminist comes out huh]
-rg girl. ^^
I'm always happy to see more Singaporean webcomics, but you two are just not funny at all.
If you can, please try and progress beyond gross stereotypes. They cannot substitute for wit and humour.
And stop making words up when you don't know the correct term for something. Buy a dictionary. Check Read ST to improve your vocabulary (hah!).
But perhaps I should leave you guys alone and roll my eyes in despair because some people think your comics is funny.
Ben Ma : Well I guess we can't please every single person out there!
Rest assured that we have already used all of the tools you have mentioned above. "Feminazic" is an invented word, and it's made up on purpose and for a reason. We admit that we do make errors, after all we are just humans, and we do make sure they are fixed.
Just stereotypes? I presume you haven't seen our other entries yet? I strongly recommend you to do so if you haven't.
lol.....damn funny.can do one about nan hua and the rule that gals must plait their hair?
Great comics. (:
Terrific! I haven't laughed so much in a year. Greeaaat. I draw comics sometimes and yours is NICE. I especially like the one about the SCGS girls and the 'Sauron is my master, she is my girlfriend.' No insults here though.
It's quite weird but I don't feel insulted at all. (: Don't see a need to feel insulted.
Man this will definitely be a hit with my friends AND my class.
(: But we're not really feminists.
Keep it up great work. Better than other rubbish you see on some people's blogs. Ahem. ((((:
*If you ever publish a comic, I'LL BE THE FIRST TO GET IT HA.
maybe you should make a comic on how ungentlemanly ri guys are. haha.
"RI guys aren't gentlemenly enough to offer us umbrellas so it's a little far-fetched."
Totally agree! (:
omg. this is seriously horrible. why are you guys so horrible? its just. so wrong! you should know better. fuck you all for doing this to people. cant you say something better??
WHAHAHA. what a funny cartoon. i have to admit it, though i'm from rgs. LOL. this is some funny stuff. but yeah. a bit perv la. xD.
I am an SCGS girl and to settle some doubts, we are not REALLY what you stereotyped us to be. Yes, I am very MATERIALISTIC and I go CRAZY after Prada and Chanel. But hey, I'm just a girl.
And my mother is quite well, amused at what you wrote because she's an ex-RG girl. So yeah. GREAT WORK THOUGH.
Keep it going. (:
You guys are darn cute,
though the bra idea was a bit sick(and you really can't see much if we ain't wearing bras cos its two layers and one's dark coloured)I have to admit that this is entertaining... lots of humour. Wish i had discovered this blog earlier =)
Great Service. Keep going folks!
FUCK RI GO MANJENS!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
Why not a comic on the ACS and RI feud? haha. Oh yeah, and the way RI people are deprived and sometimes so ungentlemanly. heehee
you guys rock! and it is really funny that people are requesting for you to slam there schools...
but yeah! keep up the good work!
Hi, it's really funny! (bursts into fits of laughter.) But the RI guys aren't half as gentlemanly to hold umbrellas for us la. Perhaps you should do a script about the Raffles Family? I'll be waiting in anticipation!
-RG girl
Its really queer at how the RG girls can accept and laugh at the comic strip when the SC girls get agitated and all, threatening to sue you guys for slander? -_-" Well, denial implies they've got something to hide I guess.
we people can take this comic so easily, not like the scgs people.
and its really funny, and im sure most of us don't mind the stereotyping. [as long as you all know its not really true. xD]
what made ppl have the impression that scgs girls aren't feministic too? if you have the slightest idea of wat's going on in our lessons, you would know that we too have feministic views... we always discuss such topics during lessons such as english... etc. the comprehension passages and literature prose are about feet-binding and corset-wearing etc.. we've also studied poems like "A Work of Artifice". and in some lessons, we worked on the lyrics of popstars like britney and tata young and whoever.. we're all disgusted.
wonder what made ppl to have a wrong impression? ok we're just girls from any other sch. did you realised tt those girls from govenment schs are even more flirtatious? did u notice that all of them like to wear outfit combinations such as tube top+mini skirts? while we, scgs students, would go for something with a bit more style rather than plain old tasteless revealing outfits. that's because we are cultured, and we have a fashion sense. we're just girls.. (although i still wonder what do ppl [freaking guys] mean when they say "girls are girls.."" and note that at least we're better than some girls.
the best thing about us is we're not too extreme. coz we do realise that this is Life, that means we have to get married and.. so on. i mean it's a natural life cycle, so wat's there to be against? it's just tt i wonder why guys are so.. ugh.. tt's beyond words to explain. and at this point of time, they still won't understand what makes a girl say this. it's just the way it is, i know it's hard for girls to accept, it's not tt we're giving up, but this is life. maybe it was meant for them to be "ugh", and since all those females before us have tolerated it, why can't we? this would just prove that we females are stronger. emotionally stronger.
anyway, although it might not be obvious in our actions, we are slightly feministic.. and we are concious enough not to let it take over us and stray away from normal life. i don't know what's "normal", but if life has been like this ever since their were animals, living things, then there's not much we can do to change it.
hello? pls take a look at how neighbourhood schs' girls behave like. ty.
and if we're portrayed in any negative way, tt could be because we have a sense of style, which naturally means we're more attractive. [just in case ppl wld argue: sometimes we girls just want to look pretty, not just because we're influenced by any other factors. anyway modern society males are like this too. what's this thing about analysing genders? the more we analyse it, the more we're aware there's a gap between us..] thus the twisted guys wld take more notice of us instead of those others.. and as a human nature, they would have all sorts of lewd ideas.. and spread rumours about us being ---------. eventually, girls would hear about it and think of us negatively. and it just gets around..... T-T this is higly possible and logical.
last thing, it's actually a compliment to be labelled as feministic.. u know. can tell from your tone that u are feeling honoured, no wonder you would be able to "laugh it off". who want to be stereotyped as evil? especially since evil is such a strong word.
for the bra burning part, like you said, it is kind of exaggerated, enough for ppl to realise it's impossible to be true. it's a hyperbole and meant to add humour and for more comic effect. how can u not laugh when it's sole purpose is for ppl to laugh about it. but for ours, it's harder to simply "laugh it off". and mind you, can't u tell we found ours very witty and humourous as well?
i've considered pts where ppl would be able to argue.. and maybe there seems to be some contradictions, but pls re-read and understand somethings that i added and things that i deliberately ommitted.
-sc girl
sc girl : Take things lightly - winning isn't everything. :)
what's so bad about being EVIL? hee...
P.s.: um... we would appreciate it if you would stop sounding so *cough* snobbish.
this totally rocks lah!! =D
ohyay!! rg rox x)
hahaha this shit thing is hilarious..though i hope everyone knows that rg girls are actually very nice. hahaha great job!
I love this one. But the girls are too-cruel.
i feel somewhat embarassed for the scgs girls who have expressed their disdain for your comics.they really aren't making a very good name for themselves are they? how ironic that they do it in defence of themselves. sigh. perhaps a little salt is needed (and maybe a dash of pepper too ;P)
having said that though... keep it up guys. hilarious stuff! love the little details... like the blood-red axe.
-rather amused and somewhat embarassed exSC girl
ooooh man this stereotype of rgs kind of exaggerated you know :P but it's funny! haha :)
yeah, all rg girls fold their sleeves except...hmm.. a few lah. and yes im from rgs, but i still find it rather funny. but i think the feminism is not that bad right? oh well, but for entertainment, this is really good.
sigh. so stereotypical. im laughing? nvm. creativity has no limits anyway. :)
rg girl
oh yea! i forgot. feminism is a quality only we girls can have :) n its nt a bad thing! lolx. n we seriously dun burn bras...seriously.
okay, this is an old strip, but i feel the need to rise to the defence of my fellow kimgeks here.
now, i'm a ten-year 'trueblue' scgirl, and a fan of studentssketchpad. the evil scgs girl comic cracked me up no end. but in a way i can see why some sc girls might find it offensive even though it wasn't meant to be. to be honest i found the rg strip comparatively less insulting than the sc one.
you know, up until i started reading studentssketchpad i was of the impression that the sc stereotype was intellectual feminist. i don't think we ever had a proper one like acs, convent, tchs and raffles. plus, you have to admit, i think schools like the raffles and ac families have more 'prominent' stereotypes than sc. i think comparatively more people make fun of them as well because of that. also, in all my years of experience there were very few truly materialistic people in my batch at least. plus.. i think most sc girls have a deeprooted loyalty to the school - i know i and quite a few of my friends do. so seeing us being portrayed in a negative light and singled out to be made fun of is pretty new - and i suppose to some people it stung. if you'll read the comments carefully, you'll see there were some people who, whough they could appreciate the humour, nonetheless didn't appreciate the jibe. just a little explanation as to why i think they got so agitated.
AND for the record, there were plenty of ex/current scgs girls who found the evil scgs girl funny, myself included. so i guess the declaration someone made that ALL of us have no sense of humour falls through hmm? ;P
to all the sc girls who were offended by the evil scgs girl, don't be. it wasn't meant to be insulting, and yeah, if we're not really like that we shouldn't have to worry about our image. and these guys never pick on just one school in particular; they're making fun of all of them! we just happened to kena first.. which is kind of an honour methinks ;)
and to all the asshats who are so gleefully gloating over the fact that the scgs girls overreacted and are using it as evidence that we are indeed like our stereotypes suggest, as well as insisting on comparing us, personality-wise, to the raffles girls: shut the hell up and get off my school's back. you have no right to generalise about sc girls unless you've been attending the school regularly for ten bloody years like i have. or at least for four years of sec sch life. i shouldn't be having to inform you of this, really, but not every sc girl is materialistic, just as not every ri boy is a chao mugger, not every ac boy is a loaded banana and not every rg girl is a vengeful feminazi. did it occur to you that in defending our image the girls who objected might possibly just be appalled that anyone would see us in this light, rather than dealing with guilt over really being this way? if you can make snap judgements about a select group of several thousand people based merely on what institution they attend then i think -you're- a very shallow, discriminatory person indeed.
okay. just needed to get that out. apologies to en and hou, my rant here isn't against you. keep up the awesomehilarious work. you make school life something we can turn around and laugh about :)
I'm from Ireland. I don't get it.
rgs is a lot worse than you have suggested. shame on you.
i find the sc and rg strips DAMMMN hilarious haha
For all these people who are writing loong loong and ''concerned'' messages , regardless of what school you're from, LEARN TO TAKE LIFE LIGHTLY! haha seriouly, stop being so wound up, heh these comics are fuuny :P and don't make ur school look like a stuck-up sch with no sense of humor...heh go funny comics!
andi do looove my school :D
stop writing so much as ur comment, it shows u have no life :P
oh mann.. that was cute. but really we're not THAT feminazic!! X) and i cant believe RI guys would offer us ANYTHING. seriously guys nowadays... its hard to imagine ya know.
Seriously, I don't know whether to feel insulted, or amused. =D
Stereotyping is fun, but rather untrue for many cases. RG girls aren't all that feministic (I wonder if THAT word exists XD); they're just overachieving kids who are given lots of crap to deal with. We don't aim to exterminate the male race or think we're "HOLIER AND SMARTER than thou" (we aren't, anyway), so I find it hard to understand why the rest of the educational system doesn't like us much.
All the same, your comic made me smile. :)
P.S. I doubt RI guys would offer their lovely little umbrellas to us. XD;;
I was laughing at my highest when I see this comoc strip.
It is offensive to girls somehow(not my problem, I am a male!).
Keep it up! Nice comic strip you have here!
interesting..very interesting..hahaa to be ultra fussy i'd say where's the nametag, badge, folded sleeves, sagging belt and ankle socks? =P
lol, this is much too funny for me to feel insulted ^^ - WAIT! I'm only P6, I'm not in RGS yet. I only got confirmed offer for DSA... hehe. Nice going!
~ Kirroha
actually scgs pp are really nice.this is just stereotyping. rg girls are really nice too. don't make fun of them
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I, of course, a newcomer to this blog, but the author does not agree
OH THIS IS SOOOOOOO FUNNY xD hahas, it took me who-knows-how-long to read this whole thread of comments but AWESOME WORK <3 LOVE IT ^^ and yes, RI guys aren't really that gentlemanly, well the RI guys i know, at least ._.
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