Dear Students' Sketchpad

Readers rejoyce! Both of us decided to meet up for coffee today and managed to come up with a new entry. You can consider this to be a bonus one. ;)
Oh, and for some who asked what the HC guy is saying, he's reciting a love poem. - Hou
In addition to the weekly comics, we are also trying to churn out more stuff, in particular for the chinese schools. Some forms of humour need alot of work. - En
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Why am I always the first one ah? And not like I subscribe to the RSS feed :)
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haha good one, do one on stnicks pls!!!!!
walau! how come agagooga always number one as commenting after an entry is posted?!
eh, you psychic or what?
:D just kidding. great entry today.
Eh, Kua, you know NH changing name soon? Read my blog entry. Maybe you can do one about that.
nice one there(: continue drawing:D great entry. could have provided english subtitles for the chinese speech by the hci dude:D
i can't read chinese for nuts lah!
your comics win so much. especially on mgs and acs ^_^
anything to be said about dunman high?
Heyo! The Students' Sketchpad has become my weekly must-read! Do throw in some stuffs about neighbourhood schools for a change! Keep it up!
LoL. Your comics rock so much I don't even no where to start, therefore, I shall not.
I was introduced by a freind to this blog/webcomic, love it to bits.
I totally agree with #6. The neighbourhood girls just don't get it. =D
i like your drawing style. simple yet striking. but that chinese poem could be better if you used a famous Tang dynasty poem instead of that 21st century crap.
u should do one on the 3 unis.
hoho.. pretty sound analysis there! probably the next inspiration can come from vs becoming mixed.. haha.. so much for the sons of victoria
Great work! Keep it up!
Hey came across ue blog through a friend!! i love ur comics!! ever consider doing a comic bout SJI guys?
Aiyo. Correct lo. A Tang dynasty poem by Li Shan Ying will do very nicely abt some old fart who climbs the Acropolis (China's equivalent) and laments. Much like Job or sth in the erm...Book? Do one on IJ pinny galls...wahahahaha..i wanna see them nailed ..
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funny one xD
dots... hwachong ppl doesnt mean god dam chinese ppl -_- but i agree acs ppl r so metrosexual =x
haha this is hilarious.
i think it's unfair to the chinese high dude though.
do one on the VS's refusal to accept girls that'll be quite interesting.
hi i am from chinese high and hwachong. seriously i dont think most of the guys there speak chinese love poems to those they love. it's still funny nevertheless. good job and keep up with the good work! hope to see more comics with greater variety soon.. =)
hoii i'm from a neighbourhood sch but i'm not like that k.. haha but its true la.. with all the ah lians and all the knnccb.. do more on the ah lians!!! muahahaha
Ahahaha yah from neighbourhood school too! I agree, can do Ah Lians and Minahs with the Bengs and Mats!
waahhaha! great blogg! shld have a theme on every sch each weeekk! n i really wonder where you guys are from xP
Anonymous : You may be pleased to know, that some of our strips are specific-school themed. :)
nice drawings... keep it up!~
AC guy here! great blog, fully agree that AC guys date SCGS girls, i feel not so much MGS, although closely affilated
ac rocks all your socks man.
Can someone explain the love poem? I can;t understand it. Cheem ah. What is tat two words after guai le jiang ....Pls dissect it!
hai ac guy here oso =D my sentiments exactly keep on drawing
i bet the bulk of hc ppl speak chinese, come on man they face the east to sing their sch songs or something
ahahaha...this is amusing...keep it up =)
anyway some of us do date rg gals as well
ac guy here btw =)
haha first time visiting. think the drawing of the hci guy is so stereotypical of them!
how about comics for not-so-wellknown schools like cedar or crescent or queenstown or something. i'm from a neighbourhood school and i'm dating a acsi guy. so why not?
The thing is, neighbourhood schools don't have as many stereotypes associated with one particular school or group of schools. They fade into a general category which is on the whole too big to lampoon.
Hehe, good one. :) By the way, Love Actually is a British movie, but that's just a minor point.
Keep up the great work! :D
hahaha not bad. pretty darn TRUE. but i think its also a mutual thing la. i mean as an ac guy i think mg and sc girls have a unique character trait that makes them attractive! haha.
keep up the gd drawings (:
hey.. how did you know my blog?
good reasoning
but maybe not jus mg n sc gals, ac guys are far more attractive than that ;)
language barrier is quite a thing though :P
"i'm from a neighbourhood school and i'm dating a acsi guy. so why not?" its not why not its why so few?
to miss_anonymouse, there's this thing called blogpatrol (www. which can trek the number of visitors and also exact referrers to studentssketchpad. :) hope you get the idea.
i linked you two. =]
hope you don't mind.
this is great stuff! the pick-up techniques of ac guys laid bare for all to see.... (and ridicule ;) )
MiSs_AnonyMous : Your junior chainerxp. Anyway, see you guys in alum mata campus tomorrow! =D
The Cuckoo Cake : Sure, always welcomed! :)
War lao...
U ppl are making me think of transferring to Hwa Chong or sumthing...
-AC guy
its to emulate not to ridicule thier picking up techniques are so hot
-sc gal
ha.. hey, en and hou... I heard that you're from ACJC? Is that true? I'm from ACJC too.
im from ACJC too!
Been cramped with work!!!!!!doing project here.....dyinggggggggg.
God hlep me
haha good job even though its about my school.
dude your 1st point was damn funny lar.. about sc and mg girls digging the way ac guys cant speak chinese. and yet deep down inside i feel there is some truth in it.. hey i was from chinese high and am in hcjc now, or hci or wadever u wanna call it.. anyway i cant tok chinese for nuts too and i even got difficulty reading the chinese poem. now mg and sc ladies do u dig that?? haha. doh. eh but seriously i think chinese high pple generally really like to talk chinese amongst ourselves.. but im sure we dun come with that chinese poem thing. and hey. chinese high guys don't always end up with ny girls k. and vice versa. haha. but i still like ur style. keep it going man
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haha some AC guys date RGS girls also! but only when they're in RJ :P
Found studentssketchpad just today when i was reading xingqiwuzhoubao(Friday Weekly)! This entire website is awesome!:p
By the way, ever considered doing a comic on other schools???
hey jus found this site today like at 2232. lol. agree with what the guy up there said. i'm from tchs btw can't speak chinese for nuts. lol. (and much less sprout some weird poem that i can't understand). but hey i love this entry the most! cool stufff
Nut: NO? Says who? Who says the neighbourhood sch girls don't get it ;D
I feel sad for us neighbourhood sch girls that people think we're all ah-lians :)
FYI...hwachong is more "chinese" than some sch...but believe's still rather "english-y"
dude that is so bloody true. i dont even know how to write my chinese name man.
yeah this comic's darn right with their drawings! it's like the exact depiction of a typical ac boy. (esp. barker) :)
#1 fan
yoz, good one!!!!:D
CAN' WAIT 4 MORE !!!!!
not all neighbourhood schoolgirls are as you guys described. (: after reading your comic, i'm sure i'm not the only one who feels put down. and i bet i'm not the only one who wishes i was in scgs or mgs. or any other non-neighbourhood school. just so other's won't look down on us like that. but it's all alright i guess. your comics really made my day!
hey thats not entirely true. why not ny? we're just as nice as sc girls yeah ;)
- 3 ny girls
NEIGHBOURHOOD SCHOOLGIRL : We make fun of all schools, we don't glorify any of them, and we never meant to.
Don't look up on other better schools as God-like! Point is that even the best has the downside of things.
Take pride that mainstream (neighourhood) schools are the pillars of Singapore society, no matter how much epithet or condemnation is being hurled from the elites (having personally seen worse comments out there).
3 ny girls : You've got HCI. ;) Well, we're playing on stereotypes anyway. Have a look at the Evil SC entry too.
how about other girls' school like cedar, tk, crescent?
try doing one on ri and rg lol.
i dont mind seeing our raffles family getting made fun of...afterall the stereotypes dont really matter..:)
oh there ARE AC and RG couples la hahaha...
hey... you seem to have forgotton about convent girls...
i think katong convent girls and st patricks boys will be good... they're connected by a bridge!
yeahhhh you guys are right as usual. and yes we do date rgs girls (but only those who go to rj, and only whilst we're still in rj. hur.)
Ahaha oh my god. I'm quite embarrassed by the standard of English of some of the posters from SCGS.
And don't start comparing Nanyang with SCGS, please.
Ex-SC girl.
personally i know alot of rg/ac couples. who are still in their sec schs. yupps. and rg girls are attracted to their so-called gentlemanly ways.
ri and rg couples are too cliche
and so are ny and hci.
why not do a matchmake again? a different kind.
DO not insult de chinese loverz out dere k???
ri sucks...i want 2 transfer to acsi
hci sounds so foreign. prefers chs. err wadeva. you may be amazed but half our school are averaging Bs for chinese. which is bad taking into account our cheena roots.
chs mostly not interested in ny. and vice versa.
haha.. hey giggsy Bs are damn good already la, we average Cs and most of us barely even make it past the C6 mark (or even D7). Most of those who do are the GEPers and chinese B dudes! =D The sense of achievement we get from a mere C is already equivalent to that of u guys attaining an A! haha. I got a E8 for hcl la!
Hey Dwayne, u dating one ah? LOL
wad happened to the post on aci ri rivalry???
haha nice one :) well but more ac guys are dating rg girls now /:
yea AC 0440901 nothing wrong with a healthy little 'b'
but haix teachers think differently. !@#$%^&*
sec 1 rg girl...
I was wondering why my seniors were cheering for ASC(I) rather than RI during swim carn. Now I get it...
some things are so true...
i think sc and ac are not compatible at all! mg and ac are the real deal!!
oh please! haha... whoever did that, big ups to you dude! you must have put in great amounts of thought. like, GREAT. acs and mgs... hmm... isn't the link between these two schools self-explanatory? but fyi, i know a few anomalies. haha... cheers! =]
I thought I saw rg girls cheering for ri and mg for us??? nvm...I have bad eyesight...XD
i really dont recommend you d want this blog to make it to local newspapers ya know. well for now itz juz in the circulating network among young bloggers , majority whom are students and prolly some older random ppl, so this site is more or less within some boundaries . hmm i know this is just for comic relief and i am indeed amazed and in awe of your talent for your sense of humour and wittiness. and even if this gets to the news , maybe ppl might find it funny , but note that there will be dissatisfied group out there . and im pretty sure it wont be a pleasant surprise for school principals to actually read about how their school students are being portrayed in your blog . so yupz the workz good but please do be careful
Anonymous : We have been mentioned in the local press thirce, but so far things are still going fine. But we've noted your concerns, and will exercise more caution.
You forgot to mention that it's also because MG girls are so utterly awesome.
Haha, just kidding, really! :D
But this is an awesome webcomic. Please keep going. :D
wahahahha. amusing.
SC girls may be sweet but NY girls are sweeter.
SC girls may be nice, but NY girls are NICER okayy. Get it guys! (>_~)
The love poem does not fit the traditional stereotype you try to fit into us chinese-ed students (i'm from HC and i'm 100% singaporean). If i were you, i would use Yu mei ren by Li Yu, which follows:
FYI i memorized tt (may come handy when i go for a date, though i have NEVER held a girl's hand before)
heyy gals.. don't get bitchy!! well plainly... gals rule and guys drool! agreee???!=) haha be it ny, SC(!!!), mg, rg WHATEVER.=)
yes!.oh and no matter how SC i am and no matter how much we hate chinese, lets try to think of chinese in a better light? i mean we'll be the one's who suffer if all we know is fluent pro english. I mean WHO can't speak that??by the way, its good how you 2 AC ppl actually understand all our school cultures?haha greatt job!
gj on the stuffs....woe unto chinese high and HC . too bad for those who aint born with them *ahem* skills. don't mean to be discriminatory but its true(except for a certain few which i've had the pleasure of knowing), as proven by the strip. :D sad but true. well...AC rules, sports and babes
SC girls may be sweet but NY girls are sweeter.
SC girls may be nice, but NY girls are NICER okayy. Get it guys! (>_~)
seriously, what's with all this comparing shit? we don't need to compare, people! we're all good and bad in our own ways! sheesh.
(...besides, everyone knows scgs rocks most. *cough*) ;)
Hey c'mon....we gals from neighbourhood schools aren't all like that okay. some of us still submit to sweet-nothin's. okay, they're stupid, but we find them sweet all the same.
could you do more on mgs please?
that was really funny! im an sc girl and i have to admit, your above-stated reasons are actually pretty true. acs guys are charming and they know how to treat a girl, and most are relatively good-looking. compared to ri guys, who, in my opinion, are slightly desperate, acs win the battle hands down. which girl does not want to be pampered, and acs guys do that the best.
mm i love u guys posts. keep it coming. oh and btw love actually isnt an american teen movie. its a british christmas movie.
my wasted heart will love keira knightley too.
its more like hci and st nix man. latest trend.
Great comic.
I'm an mg girl and i find a few of those partly true. Most of the girls i know who are dating, are with AC guys. It's like KAP is their meeting place to socialise.
I have a feeling that you keena ditched by a SC girl......
do one on stmargs and their polka dotted uniform. snigggers.
I am so bewildered at why AC guys don't seem to date RG girls. MAYBE BOTH ARE TOO RICH FOR THEIR OWN GOOD HAHAHAH.
just for amusement's sake:
i was from scgs primary and dunman high school. i topped the level in o level chinese from the bottom with a b3. no wonder i can't find anyone to date...too conflicted. xD
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