A Photo Speaks a Thousand Words...
"The Girls will give our campus an added touch of class. I expect we'll be applying our gentlemenly skills very often" - Matthew Lee (From ST)
"Trend subtlety but accurately depicted in the traditional mainstream print media." (Refer to our past webcomic entry) ;)
- En & Hou

(Courtesy of Straits Times, Page 3, 29 October 2005)
And captions from our readers :
"Look here, we got these girls between our legs!" - Anonymous
"Okay, let's buy some nanyang girls now." - Kenneth
" RGS - 'Smile for the camera!'
MGS - 'Smile for the guys!'
SCGS - 'Smile for the watch!' " - Somebody
"Guy on right: 'Hey! Have you heard? These girls are attached to the same guy!'
Guy on left: 'You're talking to him.' " - bear
"Editor: 'Eww let's just cut off the ACSians heads. The photo looks much better this way.' " - woonie
"Did we sit properly? Otherwise our photo may end up at SGGirls.com!" - sifm.lm. (Abbrv)
"After a failure to win the Rugby double, ACS(I) decided to bring in 3 professionals to teach their rugby players how to be fierce." - Ram
"ACS guys: Goodie! Now we can give our hands a rest." - wmx
"I wonder which one of us they will pick as their bride." - lisa
*Submit your own caption!*
Lost (Part II) < |> Lost (Part III)
"Trend subtlety but accurately depicted in the traditional mainstream print media." (Refer to our past webcomic entry) ;)
- En & Hou

(Courtesy of Straits Times, Page 3, 29 October 2005)
And captions from our readers :
"Look here, we got these girls between our legs!" - Anonymous
"Okay, let's buy some nanyang girls now." - Kenneth
" RGS - 'Smile for the camera!'
MGS - 'Smile for the guys!'
SCGS - 'Smile for the watch!' " - Somebody
"Guy on right: 'Hey! Have you heard? These girls are attached to the same guy!'
Guy on left: 'You're talking to him.' " - bear
"Editor: 'Eww let's just cut off the ACSians heads. The photo looks much better this way.' " - woonie
"Did we sit properly? Otherwise our photo may end up at SGGirls.com!" - sifm.lm. (Abbrv)
"After a failure to win the Rugby double, ACS(I) decided to bring in 3 professionals to teach their rugby players how to be fierce." - Ram
"ACS guys: Goodie! Now we can give our hands a rest." - wmx
"I wonder which one of us they will pick as their bride." - lisa
*Submit your own caption!*
Lost (Part II) < |> Lost (Part III)
at least they are gna get a netball court.
oh. and i forgot to add sumting. NETBALL ROX.
different opinions eh?
ah so close to being the first comment haha.
wad so good bout being the first comment?
That ACS(I) guy sounds so...
"The girls will give our campus an added touch of class. I expect we'll be applying our gentlemanly skills more often..." Matthew Lee. Sec4 ACS(I)
What's his definition of gentlemanly skills...?
Ditto Dickson.
Coed sucks.
they put scgs, mgs and rgs together. a conflict of schooling philosophies and cultural divides plus it seems to be for the picking of the boys. interesting theory.
er i cant find the article in the straits times...is it possible if you enlarge it or something? thx.
ACS(I) SUCKS! where all losers go... with girls it will be worse!
Oh yes, if you look carefully, the guy on the left has a nice watch that looks rather expensive?
Does that show the Social Status of ACS(I) boys?
rofl dickson, thank you for skepticism 101. wait until you get into jc, its the same all over the world. would you prefer.. ungentlemanly skills?
roflmao, thankew dickson, for generalising and pigeonholing without the tact and humour of en & hou ^_^
oooh, shiny!!
En and Hou, which school does both of you belong in??
Hope you can do something about schools in north and centre of Singapore... hmmm... like the HIGHLY RELIGIOUS PHS and the infamous video-awards winning school-- Canberra Secondary... Haha.. Maybe if you can linked both of them up.. hahaha... it would be funny..
My Caption for the photo:
"Lookee here, we got these girls between our legs!"
my comment to the person who wrote the comment b4 me: this site is not for u n pls do not destroy this blogsite wif ur disgusting n idiotic caption! its unnecessary!
"Lookee here, we got these girls between our legs!"
so evil.
the acs guy seriously sounds realli out to get gers.
haha i guess it'll be a refreshing change for the all-boys acs schools. just have to wait and see...
haha. yes. i read it today. LOL.. that acs guy is so.. despo.. hee
"Okay, let's buy some nanyang girls now."
aiyah okay la guys, let's be fair. Unilke VS, they probably dont have a problem with girls because well, maybe they have less sense of brotherhood and such. I mean, it's not a bad thing la right, its just different. We all have to learn to deal with each other sooner or later in life, so these ACS(I) guys get to have it sooner.
But comparing the responses of VS and ACS(I), I think we know which one would gain more respect la.
The people of VS value their traditions and stuff more I guess. Is that a good thing? I don't know, but it makes them look good heh.
Then again for people of ACS(I), I think we should admire their erm, acceptance of the whole thing la right. It's not that having an "added touch of class" is a bad thing right, I mean if that guy sees it that way good for him.
And let's face it la, they are guys. Guys like girls. Its just maybe VS value their sense of 'esprit de corps' more than their desires.
Okay I'm sorry, I'm just trying to take a neutral stand here la. Personally I don't like ACS(I) very much but oh well, we've to be fair right.
And actually not only the guys, the girls look quite happy too. Hmm. That's good right?
RGS - "Smile for the camera!"
MGS - "Smile for the guys!"
SCGS - "Smile for the watch!"
wtf my junior is in the photo. im much more proud of her than all the others who who happily suan the photo. its great that ACSi has gone co-ed i mean, then look wont it be easier to find a gf? tho i must admit.. the girls that enter this IB prog are going to be smart and talented.. not bimbotic and pretty. get the picture?
i think matthew lee is a desperate faggot btw.
i don't get why people dislike acsi so much. jealousy?
Look! I am no sexist or wateva. But it is gonna be a sad day for man. I say it is even the END of man when galls infiltrate every single last bastion of male domain, engineering, work, the army, etc. What it means is...the guys r all gonna be wimps..act, think and be in cahoots wif them..I have personally seen guys-she-male-wimps hanging ard women and GOD! please lor...END!
well, yeah, i totally like agree with AMON! I mean i seriously hav no probs wif galls who bring a "touch of class" to the classroom and all and men learn to be gentlemen, etc but when the galls turn into guys (and the guys get impotentated - meaning wimpy, romantic, weak and beetchy like galls) and the galls r like beetches, bossy (for all the wrong reasons), cant make wise and gd decisions, arent any better, as combative...then it is really the END! Please can we still keep some turfs sacred...like McDonalds etc..
I have come across far and few women of substance and distinction in my entire life. The ones I meet are the discriminatory, inflammatory, gossipy, downright snivvy and conniving sort.People who cant tell right from wrong, proper from improper and the slut-sort. I pity the stupid men...tat is all
uh. arent rg mg sc and ac like a whole bunch of i-like-you's anyway? rhetorical. they are. if vs goes coed it'll be mostly be girls frm cedar and tkgs i bet.
ACS(I) discovers new species - homo sapiens feminis
they are around for thousands of years. get on with it.
maybe people don't like ACS(I)because they are so easy to dislike. I mean, I'm fine with them, but you know some people just HAVE to dislike some other people right, and ACS(I)'s a good target. Unreasonable, yes, but that's how we are.
I think we should give the girls a break la. I mean, both sexes have survived each other since time began right. And things change, if the girls are going to infiltrate ACS(I) then so be it la, if the guys will become wimpy and all, then so be it la? What can we other people do? Blame it on the girls? How about blaming it on the guys for having such a pathetic sense of self worth?
Or how about not blaming anyone at all, and getting on with our lives? IF this is going to be a problem, it's going to be one for the ACS(I) people right, and not ours (as the general public).
Although it IS a nice topic to talk about.
Guy on right:"Hey! Have you heard? These girls are attached to the same guy!"
Guy on left:"You're talking to him."
"i don't get why people dislike acsi so much. jealousy? " anonymous
Anonymous : Oh please no. 'Jealousy' has long been debated to death.
ehh. i also dunno y ppl dislike acsi so much la.
but if the girls come to acsi it'll be a good thing lo
like guys don't have to purposely go to places to meet their mg gfs.
or those guys from acs pri/junior will at least know SOMETHING about girls. if not they grow up le sure die. and the year 5 n 6 girls will be in a diff block from the year 1-3. so its like. only those smart smart ppl whos in ib will actually bewith the girls.. unless the girls kpo go over.. or the other way round
Wait.Anon and person. I don't think we r getting in on the right angle here. It is certainly true we hav co-existed wif them since time immemorial. But the equation has changed so much now because we have come from hunter-gatherers to village then city living. Once the last (city-living) happens, everything changes. We wont see the repercussions yet. If it is fer the better, great, unfortunately I think it has been for the worst. If we worhsip whores and strip-tease bloggers and they get publicised in the press, tat speaks a lot for our mentality and substance. I hope everyone gets the picture here. Coz these people wll be our future leaders....so can u imagine as it is now, we aint like having so great stuff going on all ard us rite? Therefore it is impt that some vestiges of balance be maintained
Well yeah. Imagine bimbos running the country like in Japan where they had all those women MPs from chefs to beauty-queens, etc and male MPs , young and I am not sure of wat calibre? I am not saying anything but it seems the DIET had filled these positions of power on the basis of populism and woman-power! Not on potential, calibre and ability. This will be the end of us surely! Even the woman CEO of HP makes mistakes, so wat more mere mortals like us or them! They were not elected on the platform of what they can do and what views and philosophies they articulate. It was simply women power to quell the opposition as people purportedly take to women! I say phooey!
LOL the captions are hilarious. x)
It all sounds like a joke.
*stares into blank space*
"Anonymous said...
i don't get why people dislike acsi so much. jealousy?"
This one sounds even more like a joke.
the really sad part (for ACS boys) is that, those three girl? They're the ONLY ones that applied.
not true daydreamer =P
we have 12!
Dear Mr Amon, and ohplease,
The word is gal, not galls. Galls would be similar to your gall bladder. Get that right first.
Personally, I'm okay if people make jokes about SC about things like being a bimbo. It's basically a stereotype and a generalization. However, only about a quarter (NOTE THIS), a quarter are actually bimbos. Like any school, there would be bimbos, butches, normal people, weird people and so on. To say that you're not sexist while you generalize that all girls are sluts, bimbos and other derogatory terms plainly shows that you are, in fact, sexist, an MCP and other names that you don't ever deserve to be called.
Think about it. Not all girls are dainty little flowers made of glass. They can actually protect themself, make an impact on the world without any 'protecting' from the male species.
Second of all, guys bitch too. Don't deny it. You all do. I have proof from boys from different schools. If you generalize that all girls can't make good decisions, be intelligent or do anything a male can do, you're in for a big surprise. A really big one.
Third, I'm not doing this just for my own school. No school deserves to be stereotyped, be it ACS, MGS, or SCGS.
If I was such a sexist bitch, I would hate all the males in the world for your comments. Very intelligent. Think about what you type next time.
And dear Mr ohplease, I know girls would could kick your ass.
Yours sincerely,
the SC girl.
first line,
Dear Mr Amon and Mr Ohplease.*
And also, "don't even deserve to be called"
boggle at amon and ohplease. oh yes, I do agree that typical gender roles are changing, and that there are issues that should be resolved like custody rights, judicial bias against men, etc etc.
but generalising and pigeonholing all women as incapable and petty smacks of chauvanism, even to me.
please, at least try to have a nuanced and sensible argument if do have issues, just don't shoot yourself in the foot the spectacular way you've done it.
Okay let's get this straight. Who says bimbos are going to run the country? Well, we are supposed to be a meritocratic society right, and so the weak and incapable will not have a chance to be our future leaders. Right?
Who's to say bimbos can't lead our country?
I mean, okay la, some girls are really irritating and stuff. But so are some guys right.Sc person said that in every school there are "bimbos, butches, normal people, weird people and so on", and that also applied everywhere else doesn't it? I guess if you REALLY want to, you can stereotype girls to be bitchy or bimbotic or whatever but still...it's not very nice right.
I mean, just the same way, girls can stereotype all boys to be immature and childish then.
Perhaps we should just be more sensitive to one another. Maybe.
by the wayyy *twiddles thumbs innocously*...how much does a wacom cost?
as much or more than the watch? :)
See obviously he hangs around l33t ppl who use l33t terminology too much. Like me for instance. Mun is his nickname btw O_o (tat watch is fake)
the guy didnt say that. it was an invention by the journalist.
Sc person. Why don't u just balek Kampung. And Amon "I am no sexist or wateva. But it is gonna be a sad day for man. I say it is even the END of man when galls infiltrate every single last bastion of male domain, engineering, work, the army, etc."
after saying this, u still say ure not sexist? maybe ur kee siao. haha
Newspaper editor: "Eww let's just cut off the ACSians heads. the photo looks much better this way."
No la they just didn't want to take the uh rather-acne scarred face of Mun =P
Anyway the real sad thing is that there'll be a rather screwed up ratio... like 4 girls per class.
And the watch would look quite bad close up considering how much it's been knocked around by his classmates. Lol.
ACS guys: Goodie! Now we can give our hands a rest.
ACS(I) turns Straight from delunge of Free blowjobs given by new female students.
(Note how the female faces are positioned next to the crotches)
what's RSS feed? pardon i'm noobie at this xD
Ersalina : No problem, check your blog's comments. ;)
Oh I see. That’s cool. I read the site that you gave me.. hmm but I dunno how to have one. =s
hey there babes, really enjoy your cartoons. kudos for the effort put in! anyway.... do a jc version soon? would definitely be interesting to see the different stereotypes.
RGS, MGS and SCGS girls,"ay... sit got sit properly anot? wait we zao geng and our photo go to sggirls.com eventhough we wearing PE shorts underneath."
Talking about bimbos in government, males have a fair share too. Look at Arnie!
Caption 1:
Boys:'Dr. Ong, we brought some girls.
Dr. Ong:'What?! To prevent them corrupting you, we'll build a special block just for them.'
Caption 2:
Bored of dominating Singapore School Sports, Dr Ong desired more trophies for ACS and decided to encroach on sports ACS hadn't conquered yet. Girls' sports.
Caption 3:
After a failure to win the Rugby double, ACS(I) decided to bring in 3 professionals to teach their rugby players how to be fierce.
Look on the bright side, ACS CCAs will improve with a more well-rounded (in every sense of the word) community in school, as girls will provide a fresh perspective on things. Also, they could win more medals to be a top school. (See caption 2)
Does anyone think the AC-boys in the picture are fiddling in glee with their 'things' through their pockets,?
By the way, En & Hou, keep this up. I'm loving the comic. It brings back fond memories of the times I was in the Singapore School System, back in 1997.
And by the way, I know Matthew Lee. And I'm sure his intentions are honourable. Just that it came out wrong. Hehe.
An ex-ACSian and ex-Barkerite
Ok So I speak for myself and ohplease and a host of others. Again I say my words have been miscontrued. And we are not angling in correctly. I didn't say ALL women are bimbos or wateva. However most do share some characteristics typical of their gender. Gossips, brand-consciousness (in greater proportion than the males). I m fine with good women in charge. I am saying let us not be swayed by wanting to be seen as gender-equal or capitalising on politicism by engaging women in government, not based on merit. It was image and marketing that sold the Japanese populace on women in power. Is that right? I don't see women managing as well as men do (in fact sometimes far worse, and men are already bad enuff in some cases). I am speaking from experiences in the working world not from a school perspective where perhaps the impact is not felt as much. And speaking of which if women make a good impact so be it. If we r to match history sex for sex, we have equally bad women and men rulers who went to war, etc...Cixi, Wu Zhetian, Cleopatra, Queen Elizabeth and Victoria versus Stalin, Hitler, Mao and so on...Do u guys get the picture now?
Again I say we r not angling correctly. Those IB girls of coz wld be smart academically, but not necessarily street-smart or savvy. It is grades and academic stuff. But wat abt practicalities in problem solving and all. This is the most crucial. So what if you hav 10 As and 11 A1s but u come out wif one policy or sth tat doesn't work or is ridiculous? Or some such other practical work because tat person hasnt experienced it?
Just to add and clarify. There is nothing wrong wif being good academically. Great if u hav good grades. But the bigger issue now is from here then where do we go? Do we get people who can then utilise this knowledge in a practical and useful and creative way? In inventions, industry, community, improving our lives in general.... This is wat I m saying. Knowledge is power but the ability to act on knowledge is even more powerful.
I mean galls, gall. Not as in gall bladder, mind u. U seriously aint reading into my nuances here, woman. Gall can mean nerve and most girls do get on my nerve by virtue of their behavior, thinking and logic and so on.
awww. plealse dont call matthew lee a faggot or whatever. i think he's already -___- " reading his comment in the news.
being the first to comment is an honour, as nobody else has commented yet. like your the first guy to touch something. its like in a race, you gotta be first to win.
Dear Mr amon,
Yes I know you can use galls in that context. Unfortunately, as your English is not all that perfect, you have therefore used it wrongly.
See? Quote: "I say it is even the END of man when galls infiltrate every single last bastion of male domain, engineering, work, the army, etc. What it means is..."
Wrong 'galls', mister.
And erm, girls can be street-savvy. We're not incapable of being street-smart, I mean, come on. There are business women. Gender should not hinder decision-making.
Lots of love,
SC person.
hey i think i m actually enjoying this exchange wif u gall. anyway, i m not sure wat context u r referrng to. BUt galls- is a pun of sort then...noun form, plural of gall. Yes of coz I didnt say all girls r not street smart. But seriously i think galls shld have more heart and mind then business. This is precisely the kinda combative, ego-centric and money grabbing women we r seeing today, no better than the men, which i loathe. This is my point, women have become so much like men now, they are just as heartless, cruel and conniving.The stereotype of women as caring, compassionate, maternal and nurturing has been shattered time and again
Editor: Hey look! This way the ACS guys actually look taller than the girls!
sheesh.. just because you ppl aren't smart enough to get into the IB program in ACS(i)..stop dissing them..-.-
Wow, hold up a lil', getting a little sexist here. Not all men are "bad", just like not all women are "good".
i know matthew lee. and he definitely didn't say that. the captions you guys or "galls" have got are funny and all but slamming matthew lee isn't nice at all. mun, as he is more affectionately known as, is a great student, in fact, one of the top students in ACS (I) and he's also a prefect councilor with great leadership skills.
i really can't believe straits times can just cook up something like that and put his name to it. terrible really.
and in anycase, i can assure you that mun isn't desperate, and isn't a faggot either. he's got plenty of female friends from various schools.
if this sounded very defensive, its coz you peeps aren't being altogether nice and more importantly, haven't got your facts right. maybe you should be slamming ST instead.
oh btw, the watch is a seiko i think. 150 bucks or something i think. i broke it once so he had to get it replaced under warranty xP
"i wonder which one of us they will pick as their bride."
TODAY is also guilty of making up quotes.
Like seriously? you guys really don't have to analyse it to this detail. it's just an ordinary newspaper article. why kick up the fuss? and will you guys quit putting in those retarded captions? nothing better to do huh? besides, what do you guys have against these schools anyway? doing generalisations on these schools is unjustified. NOT everyone in there is like that.
and personally, i do not see why by saying that girls give the school an added touch of class, the guy is being despo?
i mean sure, co-ed has it's good and bad points. but every jc is co-ed anyway, so you might as well go and defame all of them.
i would say that you guys are really creative and artsie fartsie and all, but just don't get too far. you should know better.
The previous poster: The more irreverent the humour, the better the results.
yeah i know matthew too and he's far from despo. you guys shouldn't be mean and just utter nonsense. it's not nice at all. how'd you like it if people who don't know you just jump to conclusions and start hurling insults at you?
i don't think that's anywhere near nice. in fact, i think it's extremely uncivillised.
but have you ever gave a thought to how these people feel when they see insults and sick humour like that? you guys are being very insensitive! you're having fun while making these people feel hurt or defaming the schools. is that fair to them? i don't think so. they didn't even do you any wrong, so they DO NOT deserve this kind of treatment.
rofl, mun?
no wonder he sounded familiar :P
his senior says hi, wonder if he remembers me :P
left: do you think some people will mean it when they hit us with the 'ac buata' stereotype again?
right: nah, I'm sure that all Singaporeans are enlightened people educated in the ways of civilised discourse ^_^
to the person who wrote this
"and will you guys quit putting in those retarded captions? nothing better to do huh? besides, what do you guys have against these schools anyway? doing generalisations on these schools is unjustified."
this site is all about stereotypes, you dont know? besides, there is a difference between wit and just plain stupid humour. most of the captions they chose fall under the witty category. and really, i dont have anything against those schools because i'm from one of the schools myself. and if anybody thought like you, there'd be no Jay Leno show.
hmm amon? i think your spelling is seriously screwed. maybe you SHOULD enroll back in primary school. i think that spelling the word 'GIRL' is one of the first things they teach you. then maybe when you know how to spell G-I-R-L, then you can come back here and discuss the topic more maturely. and i agree with the sc girl, gall sounds like the gall bladder. -oops- i forgot, you never did pure biology?
the zoo finally decided to get some female species to breed a new generation of Richus Idioticcas
haro. and just to add. people seem to think that the girls are entering at every level of the school. note: they are entering only for the last two years of IB, which didn't actually exist before next year. so think of it as creating a new JC.
now with that in mind, would having girls in it still be worth such a fuss. i don't see RJ or VJ being slammed for having girls.
and as mentioned above, the first four years (i.e. secondary school) will still be all boys. at least for the first three years, they'll be as good as being in a different school.
and mun is a good guy. those who think he's gay or despo, i challenge you to prove it.
all-male traditions are still maintained at the secondary level. anything happening in the first four years of an acs indepedent boy's life is still all boys.
and to those who say the guys will be sissified, i have this to say. someone else already mentioned that there'll be about 4 girls in each class. with a ratio that crappy, do you really think the guys will be converted to such an extent?
thought for the day: THINK first. it helps
matthew lee IS gay.
and as to the watch. more stereotyping. maybe you should try and consider that about half the people i know don't even have a watch.
why is matthew lee gay. i don't see any evidence. by law he could sue your for defamation
"this site is all about stereotypes, you dont know? besides, there is a difference between wit and just plain stupid humour. most of the captions they chose fall under the witty category. and really, i dont have anything against those schools because i'm from one of the schools myself. and if anybody thought like you, there'd be no Jay Leno show. "
... stupid humour and witty??? I think you should just go wash your brains out or just go check the dictionary. There's one at dictionary.com if you need 1. Firstly, if you think "Look here, we got these girls between our legs!" is a WITTY comment...I would say you are probably from a language B class (For English). PLease define your terms accurately and don't take pleasure in posting flippant and passing remarks on the internet.
Thank you.
BTW... Matthew is one of the top students in our school, and is DEFINITELY NOT GAY.
(prev. post anonymous) rock on man. that was totally to the core. =)
all acsi faggots like this matthew is gay, and make such gay comments, all gay! they've been having gay orgies in their classrooms all year round! faggots!!!! burn them! GAY!
gah'men want us to procreate they GAY so NO BABIES!
It'd be great to provide Evidence to back your claim up yeah?
"There are three girls there, but the Acsians are still standing with each other...Something going on there?"
"Aiyah shy lah, fours years in all boys school and we dunno how to approach girls anymore"
Let me say a few words to defend myself and my other innocent schoolmates-to-be
1. We(the girls) are NOT bimbos. If we were, we couldn't have gotten in. There is such a thing as selection criteria for your information. If we want to oogle at boys, aren't there other places to go where the school curriculum is easier AND there are boys to look at? Why would we want to put ourselves through 2 years of hard work just to look at some acs boys?
2. Sc, mg and rg girls do not necessarily clash. If we do, would we apply to the same school knowing that ppl from those school's would be there? We wouldn't kill each other over boys. As mentioned before, we're not your typical cat-fighting bimbos
3. If admitting girls would really 'destroy' the acs tradition or whatever, I think you people are really belittling it. Or rather, you are overestimating us girls. Do we exert such a great influence over the whole school culture? Especially since there are so few of us as you claim? If you're one of the MCPs who are slamming girls, I think you're contradicting yourself here
4. I personally don't know this matthew guy, but I think you people are taking it too far. The media twists people's words more often than not. If you're gonna judge someone based on a comment he supposedly made to a newspaper reporter, I think you're too gullible
5. For those who have opinions on us (the people in the photo) based on the camera angle, I would like to remind you that whatever position we are in is decided by the photographer. In other words, I cannot control it if my face happens to be in some position that you or I don't like. So please stop judging us based on things we cannot control
If you don't agree with what i say, I can't help it. But please try to be reasonable and mature when you slam us, even if it's in jest. Being insulted by people who don't know you is very unfair
Yes, for all those of you out there who can't get your facts right, the ratio is way off balance. So obviously AC guys will not be sissified. Anyway, it's like any other co-ed college. If it were proven to be true that when guys mix with girls become sissified, then that would either mean:
1) They are weak
2) Every guy in college and university and so on is sissy
This would eventually amount to the whole generation of guys being sissy. Which in due time, seriously spells trouble for our population.
Matthew is gay? I know him. and he does not exhibit GAY behaviour as far as I’m concerned (for your information, I am not his girlfriend or anything close to that. But I'm sure those of you who love a juicy story would definitely not buy that).
hmm... oh yes. And what would that have to say about all the guys who have submitted anything along those lines? Surely you have not been deprived of female company? (if this is true for you, I’m really sorry for you. cos females DO co-exist with males on this planet. and if that hasn't sunk in despite all your years on planet Earth, I think it'll do you some good to migrate to outer space. HAHA.) Does that necessarily mean you're gay too? oh dear.
If guys are gays just because they are in a co-ed school, then all you guys in JCs or tertiary institutions are all gays. Do you agree with me?
"this site is all about stereotypes, you dont know? besides, there is a difference between wit and just plain stupid humour. most of the captions they chose fall under the witty category. and really, i dont have anything against those schools because i'm from one of the schools myself. and if anybody thought like you, there'd be no Jay Leno show. "
[.. stupid humour and witty??? I think you should just go wash your brains out or just go check the dictionary. There's one at dictionary.com if you need 1. Firstly, if you think "Look here, we got these girls between our legs!" is a WITTY comment...I would say you are probably from a language B class (For English). PLease define your terms accurately and don't take pleasure in posting flippant and passing remarks on the internet.
Thank you.]
that's why i said MOST, not ALL (fall under the witty category). MOST, damn it. are you blind or just stupid. fortunately for me, my English is not of the B class, i score consistent As in them. not that grades define everything, but then again, you never did define your terms accurately. hope you're not disappointed. tata.
i happened to come across this article while viewin ST online frm overseas
n i think it is a good idea for girls to enter the AC IB programme.. instead of being exposed to the norms of JC life and taking the dread A's, they can be exposed to a new learning environment, and, since AC has opend itself to da co-ed system.. they can have a first-experience in a teaching system tt was male-dominated... heck i reckon da girls can DEFINTELY convert the AC guys to proper gentlemen, and kick their immaturity and loser-ness...
upon reading da bloody frikkin stereotypical captions and comments that some of u have posted.. it can only mean a few things:
1) u are frikkin jealous
2) u are bloody immature
3) u have no life
these girls have done really well in their studies to be selected for this program, having shed blood sweat and tears, and having cast aside all feelings of awkwardness of entering a male-dominated school.. the last thing these girls need is some bloody frikkin immature jealous people poking fun a them, labelling them 'bimbos' or 'boy-crazy' or 'we-have-to-sit-properly-or-else-we-zaogeng
type of girls'..
to all da ppl hu insuled and stereotyped these girls.. GET A BLOODY LIFE. if u have one.. n LEAVE THEM ALONE..
thanks loads! (reference to previous comment)
i throw a piano at you all
you all explode
buh 2
i throw 2 grand pianos at you jealous losers
u all get squished
up up and away!
flies the losers!
down down underground!
sinks quicksand.
'what happened?'
oops. i think we hit rock bottom.
ok... this is getting silly
jus bcuz u couldnt like get into dis programme, or some other dunno wat reason like u dont realli have anythin better to do wif ur life.... it doesnt give u de rite to say those crappy stuff... its simply downrite irritatin...
lemme tell u wat....
use ur precious time slightly more wisely to go n study n mayb... jus mayb u'll get into it...
then u wont b like throwin away ur future or somethin.
u dont hav 2 b so jealous of ppl who r jus slightly / much better than u....
jus go n study. HAHA
stop flaming. please. remember this blog is just for fun and laughter peace and joy. =)
ACS guys: yucks their skirts are so long! i don't want to see!
i pity.
1. Sc person
2. Amon
3. Mathew Lee
4. The 3 girls in the photo
Cheers! :)
OMG you guys are the funnies. You make boring lectures alot better yah.
For the record, I am an ex-girl schooler.
Cheerios till the next Wednesday.
Whoa! Whoa! Guys, please don't kill each other. We can't afford to pick up your pieces! =P
Peace Out,
En & Hou
ahahahaha. all these shows how loser all the people who criticized are? it's like you can't qualify to touch the IB programme, and then you come about criticizing people like mun and the girls there? if all of you have no life, and depend on student sketchpad for your daily source of news...then
1) you all have no life
2) you all are a bunch of morons
3) you all are a vindictive bunch of bastards
and btw. i think that the post by BS was so...BS. it's like mun is supposedly his good friend, and he comes around saying such stuff. oh well. all of you are just a bunch of jealous, vindictive, little loserish pricks.
you are most vindictive. take the plank out of your own eye before you try to take the speck of dust out of your brother's eye.
AH FINALLY some people with sense have shown themselves here.
and since it seems that no one who is criticising has been able to prove anything (such as evidence that mun is gay) i can safely say that there is no evidence, especially with the overwhelming amount of proof to the contrary. conclusion: mun is not gay
it's a damned newspaper article. newspapers are out to make money. haven't you people realised this by now. so of course they'd want to make the story as appealing as possible, and in singapore (i'm making a very broad generalisation) anything that can be talked about incessantly is considered something appealing.
111 comments. i rest my case
matthew is not gay. this is the voice of the class speaking. he is not gay. okay?
haha.. seems like the author of this blog are the one of the few who take all this in good humour.
nice to see shallow, uninformed and sweeping judgments passed on anything to do with this article. come on, do you really think matthew represents acsi? its just unfortunate that he gave a pompous answer, and you people are busy dive-bombing each other because you latch onto his every word and desperately try to attack him, because why? ACSI boy what. snobbish, act-cool rich kid. okay lor.
"And if you listen closely.. you might hear the familiar sound of no one caring."
Guy left: By George!, so if the ratio of girls to guys here will be this large, then what if i applied for an EXCHANGE PRO...
Guy right: Doh!
"woonie said...
stop flaming. please. remember this blog is just for fun and laughter peace and joy. =) " This blog IS for fun,laughter,peace and joy, but surely it isn't fun for those people who are being victimized by hordes of blind, jaundiced people.
Hi. My first comment here. As an ACSian going on to IB next year, i'm gonna have to say that this post is freakin' hilarious. Good job on the captions people! By the way.. not all ACSians are rich you know.
"that's why i said MOST, not ALL (fall under the witty category). MOST, damn it. are you blind or just stupid. fortunately for me, my English is not of the B class, i score consistent As in them. not that grades define everything, but then again, you never did define your terms accurately. hope you're not disappointed. tata."
Lisa here seems to fall under the category of beechy rg girls. Firstly, you try and rectify your comments (to no avail I would say)by saying "MOST". In case your English fails you AGAIN (remember ppl this is an ex-rg girl here), please take another look (and erm I'm not blind lady =)) at the new comments posted. Are the numbers of obscene, subtle and sordid comments rising? The answer is a resounding YES. And please, you are an RG girl, supposedly 'high class' and 'respectable' (notice *respectable*).
And...PLEASE...you aren't the only one who gets strait As ok? (I'm very sorry if I hurt your ego =))
Thank you.
Play nicely, kiddies.
Look here buster! What do u mean I had my english screwed? And girls should be spelt the way it is an d not as galls. As I said, this is a "pun", do u get it MISTER or WHOEVER THOU ART? Hey if u r a guy, do u wanna settle this wif a fist fight now? Meet me NOW! I may be older and broke my spine recently, BUT i certainly could still kick asses and butts. et me know...if things turn out right, we may even settle down to a life of romance and luv? I am gay btw. :)If ur a guy tat is.
That's IT! DID you insult gays again? Did u bash us again? Did u push us to the peripheries yet again? Are you gonna send us to the gas chambers again! U SLIMY HETEREO OR BIS OR WIMPS! THAT IS IT! I m migrating! As for sterilisation, adopt lo.
It's all for the sake of fun. Chill man.
If you can't take it then leave the website? haha
Ok. I think somehow the perspective and focus have gone awry. It is true the galls r spending the last two years for the IB prog akin to the jc system and if the reports r right, 4 to a class. Well. That shld be quite reasonable. But seriously, to divert resources like tat for the IB prog, they might as well lump them into the JC one, right? I have nothing against co-ed or jc systems.But since these schools are oredi traditionally, male, what is the rationale for putting in galls? What is it for? To show that times have changed? Gall power? Image? Equality? Shldn't this be based on credit and merit rather than anything else and the galls did get in contingent upon tat. I think they cld have easily been diverted into the JC system instead....
Yet again our focus is on grades and exams. I dont see a corresponding increase in inventions, scientific discoveries, ground-breaking theories, better management, rules and laws, etc however. Do 10 A1s or 12A1s translate into an improvement in my life, your life, the community's life and all for the better? I dont see it. So wat does tat mean? Did the exams and grades do anything to our people? Have they reasoned better, thought better, logicate better and have more compassion and love for one another as a result? The answer is so obvious, dudes. I rest my case.
So wif galls on board, how will things change? Better grades? Better thinking? Better all-round touch of class? Like how? Can you define tat? How is it gonna change and what is the purpose? AS I mentioned, galls in power in history have not proved anything better, has it? Jiang Qing, instigator and collaborator of the Cultural Revolution, Cleopatra ended the Ptolemaic dynasty with her rule. So did Cixi ended the Qing dynasty. So? Galls? what is the big fuss and big difference? Some guys will probably do better and even surpass the guys too.
It is the same with all our previous boasts of being NO 1. It is great of coz for marketing and PR and publicity purposes and that translate into economic growth. With economic growth, our infrastructure gets better? Better houses, trains, buses, roads, buildings, etc (but note : functional, somewhat aesthetic but seriously does it have to be opulent?) Because it is pointless to have all this hardware when you dont see a corresponding increase in better software and operatring systems. Better people behavior, thinking, practices,reasoning, compassion, habits, attitudes, etc. Do you see this? I mean I was told neighbors living at a condo fighting tooth and nail over dog's fur. Condo living? Isnt that upper class lifesytle? So wat tat means is materially upper class but the mind and heart isnt. First world nation infrastructurally yes. Third World people, practices, behavior, attitude, habits, thinking, compassion and management perhaps. Fodder for thought. Awww. so ok i dont mean we r animals, but seriously look at our behavior in industry. I personally experienced this in the real estate industry. These peeps are so animalistic, fighting over money and a grab at the share of the economic pie. I dont blame them coz some r just surviving. But look how animalistic they became. Someone remarked this is not living, but surviving. We live to live or do we live to die?
yoo hoo Matthew Lee. I wanna meet you. U sound like my kinda guy? :) Hmmm. Yum
ok everyone makes it sounds like continuing as an all-boys school at that level of education is optional. has anyone actually considered the fact that it's an MOE requirement for all schools at jc or poly or ite level to be co-ed. so whatever you have against girls coming into the system, then you'll have to bring it up to the government.
have fun
the acs guys could be playing pocket billards ( both hands in pockets) while drooling at the girls.
"Is it my eyes or is that bulge growing?"
"Probably your eyes. The other one is."
fodder for tot again. Wif galls, i suppose some guys will try to impress like they r BIG STRING MACHO DUDES. There cld be fights over galls? Some wimpy-guys will hang ard the galls. They click since they r feathers of the same bird. Some guys will be distracted. others wont give a damn, juz carry on as if they didnt exist like I did. Some will be jealous (both gays and heteros). Sigh. So is this a gd thing?
i think some of you are not putting things into perspective. There is absolutely nothing wrong with dirty/bawdy jokes. Higher forms of entertainment like shakespeare have bawdy jokes in them as well, should we then choose to say that its not worthy of study?
To say a form a joke is superior to another is a form of cultural imperalism. By proudly promoting your superiority in humour, you but show nothing but your snobbishness and xenophobia to other forms of humour.
Besides, i never said this site was meant to satisfy your thirst for high class wit. And even monty phyton which is so popular among high class ppl makes dirty jokes too.
There is no problem with you not liking dirty jokes, or obscene jokes. Just don't accuse others for laughing at it. One cannot expect everyone to settle for your lifestyle superiority, right;)?
"this site is all about stereotypes, you dont know? besides, there is a difference between wit and just plain stupid humour. (most) of the captions they chose fall under the witty category. and really, i dont have anything against those schools because i'm from one of the schools myself. and if anybody thought like you, there'd be no Jay Leno show."
this was the original. i said MOST there already, bracketed for you since you really are quite blind. true, the number of sordid/obscene entries are rising, but they pertain to our whole argument of whether this should have existed in the first place OR standing up for the girls/boys; i dont see many actually being captions themselves. (since you first mentioned that our captions are actually obscene and rude) haha, when did i ever say i'm the ONLY one who gets "strait" As. you must be hallucinating.
eh the content of the blog is entirely alright. it's the comments, not by the author of the blog but by others, that is spoiling it all.
now can we just sit and wait for the Lost Part 3? =)
whoa. what a big hoo-haa.
i'm one of the 12, and please, guys and girls, we are all human. So where is the love man?
"The look girls give when a photographer tells them that Victoria will not be co-ed."
-cat high fishball
Technically, by just stating such a random comment on the net saying that you get straight As (and therefore are 'supposedly' good in english) is implying that you are trying to show off. Egoistical or just narcissistic?
"MOST, damn it. are you blind or just stupid. fortunately for me, my English is not of the B class, i score consistent As in them. not that grades define everything"
Well maybe I'm just stupid...though you really have no right to judge me =P...and my english is fine.
Thank you.
some comments are absolute nonsense. dont try to sound deep or anything because fighting here is absolutely immature and childish.
everybody's equal. and i dont think any of us has the status to tell others to study or get a life etc. entering IB is a privelige that we seniors never experienced. congrats on entering. we're proud of you.
on the other hand. look on the bright side. its a totally new experience for ACSi guys. instead of using bino's thru 4.10 classroom to spy on girls in the swimming pool, u can oogle at them openly :) plus you get to rest yr hands.
matthew lee.. sorry. sometimes we shoot b4 we think. yr quote makes much sense tho. no matter how bad it sounds ;)
rock on. and pls stop fighting over here. :)
peace out!
"But since these schools are oredi traditionally, male, what is the rationale for putting in galls? What is it for? To show that times have changed? Gall power? Image? Equality? Shldn't this be based on credit and merit rather than anything else and the galls did get in contingent upon tat. I think they cld have easily been diverted into the JC system instead.... " -sock it
It IS based on merit. And I don't think they decided to open up IB year 5 and 6 just to show that girls are equal. All of you sexists should just accept it. It's a fact. We are equals. Stop sticking to old traditions about how guys are better than girls. That age is long gone, man.
Anyway, these people have been accepted with regards to talent, grades etc. So it's not like they're dumbos who are just being taken in, which makes the situation unfair to the rest. Besides, i think the JC system has enough girls. Haha. Now a lot of girls want to go to IB... YOU JEALOUS ARH?! lol.
GOD! this is so lecherous! Ogling at galls at the pools? GET A LIFE! And we dont btw have any life here anyway. Tell me what is yr life? School, study, exams, computer, eat, sleep, masturbate, etc. You call tat life? OK ok plus sports.And tell me wat u know abt the IB? How is it gonna be any different or superior? Till I see it I am not convinced.
This is wat I mean. Why do they need to open up an IB program at ACS(I) for boys and girls. Let another girls' school do it. RGS can easily do one. Or SCGS. and we all can remain as we are. Boys and girls in different spheres. There is certainly no harm in one all-boys doing IB and an all-girls doing another rite? Just as IP is oredi in so many schools. Imagine having IP and IB in the same school. What a diversion and duplication of resources!
U r so right dude. I mean let a MGS, PLMGS or affiliated methodist all-galls school do a IB prog then since the IP has been closed to one and all oredi.
I treat all galls and guys equally. In fact it is on the basis of human-interaction, But once I have to be in close encounter, like in school, business deal or such, then I really have to dissect their qualities.Both men and women. Both have flaws and their strengths. So I m saying makes no diff whether if it is a guy or a gall. Galls r no better than guys and vice-versa. CASE CLOSED.
In fact galls can be a lot worse, given some traits they display consistently as a gender. Just as men do too. perhaps we need people who have the best of both worlds? half men-women who share both their strengths minus their flaws. I think I fall into this category.
Let me explain how this haf-haf thingy works. When it is time to be a man and make rational, tough decisions, combative, reasoning, you become a man. When it is time to be loving, compassionate, empathic and intuitive, you become a woman. In fact by saying this, I am also stereotyping. men are like this and women like tat. But if u can combine the gd qualities of both, VOILA, you have a cyborg, tough on the outside but soft on the inside? Thinking yet wif a heart.
thinking wiht your heart is a bad survival trait. In fact, thinking in general is a bad survival trait.
ok i didnt know tat. thinking is bad? is not a survival trait? GOD! then how r we ever gonna move on? No wonder we r not moving forward as we shld?
note: THEY CAN'T OPEN AN ALL-BOYS IB SCHOOL BECAUSE MOE WON'T LET THEM. why do you think there are no all-boys or all-girls JCs? or do you even think at all.
Divert and Duplicate = Waste:
and incase you didn't notice, RG already has it's own IP. it's with RJ, which is also a co-ed school.
now we can all sleep in peace
yea, peace people.
so it must be a stupid policy then. The IB must surely be a diff program from the JC A levels. And MGS/PLMGS or other methodist affiliates could easily do it as an all-galls outfit. I remember my Officer-In-Command used to describe this female MPO as a "dirty" woman. See u can see the impact of women in society these days. U shld see how the women operate in the real estate business---lol---dirty women...gd luck guys
Will you guys hurry up and post up the continuation of "LOST" and stick to the deadline you yourself gave!!! It's so frustrating to keep coming and finding nothing new!! I'm sorry if I sound rude but I'm just impatient you know!!
dingo here is absolutely right. period. And if you people from other schools wanna compete with us and also set up an IB WORlD SCHOOL, then go ask your principals =P. Don't blame us on something that we don't control ('We' means my school, which is obvious enough)and ask someone who is in charge or stuff.
Happy Holidays!
Actually, I'm pretty sure they're still in schedule. It's not a full week yet, there's still one day to go. If you want to complain do it on Friday when they'll really be late.
Till then, you really ARE just impatient and rude, yeah?
[I would say you are probably from a language B class (For English). PLease define your terms accurately and don't take pleasure in posting flippant and passing remarks on the internet.]
NAH, i wasnt showing off to you, dude. checking back, this is what you said to me, apparently coming up with your own notion that i belong to a Language B class (For English). my my, you sure know my grades huh, even without knowing me. so that's why i told you, i'm not that because i get As for english, and you should check back once more you know, because i never said i get straight As for everything, you yourself accused me of saying that. you sure are good at coming up with stuff, huh. take care.
Regular Reader : We have a loose deadline. Sometimes we post one day early or late depending on real life circumstances.
We have to (unfortunately) hold back the release of the next issue for one day due to faulty drawing equipment. Please bear with us in the meantime.
the straits times is such a laugh. obviously they have been relentlessly promoting the IB, IP and whatnot. we have a paper that absolutely just feeds this newspaper-reading generation.
ok stop the flaming already, its irritating.
*pulls flamethrower*
hahaha this is getting nowhere. But basically, there's no need to squabble about guy-girl issues cos the bottomline is: man and women are EQUAL. They just have different roles, as God made them to be :)
You juz added a religious dimension to the debate. So for an atheist or agnostician, tat is a NO-NO. And women and men were never equal in many ways. They are different in anatomy, physiology and biological processes. So please get that rite. Roles I agree tho. But women have now encroached on men's roles not vice-versa unfortunately. Get tat rite pls
U hav also juz slapped yourself in the first by first propounding men and women as equal and then following tat with the statement that they have 'different" roles. So there. So much for your equality statement.
So if we wan more equality then let men into supposedly female "nurturing" work like childcare, studentcare, education. In fact these work are male-domains too by virtue of the many young people in this environment who require "full-time" attention which women can't cope or manage because of their time needed to take care of their own familial responsibilities. Men can. Notice how chefs and cooks are male. The strength needed to cook for the masses and the handling of fire and wok is men's work. Even house-cleaning like window-cleaning, floor sweeping and mopping, etc are all men's strength, a small, petite woman like a maid, housewife cant cope.
Also a yng sweet gall now in s chool may morph into the wicked old mother witch when she grows up. trust me. many women are liddat. Your charming and sweet galfren now will be a stocky motherhen in her older age.
Personally, i dun really know why such a big fuss is kicked up. Let's face it, being in ACSI, you're bound to have ppl to hate you. Think of it as the side effect of gettin into the school. I myself hated the ACS when in i was still in primary school but when i got into ACSI, you'll tend to learn that many of the things ppl say are pretty much bullshit. As for the IB and the girls, guess we'll just have to see what happens. Like what someone said, think of it as JC years coz it's pretty much similar to JC when comparing the years. hehehe. at last, AC guys get to see girls in school which they also would went they get into a JC. As for myself, i can't wait till i get into IB. hahaha. And as for the AC guy who defended Mun, you really sounded kinda gay there defendin him like he was ur partner or somthin.
but hey... thats just my 2 cents on this topic. still enjoying reading wat ppl have to say. PS. i have no intention of disrespecting my own school.
the resources cld be better consolidated with juz the ACS(i) doing the IB for boys only. Let an all-galls skool do it for their own gender. THE ACJC system runs as it always does with guys-girls. There is no need to duplicate the IB at the ACS(i) with guys-girls juz as the JC system. I hope everyone gets it here. As if we dont hav enuf of galls anyway.
Do you ppl ever read the prev posts????
I think someone mentioned that its the MOE that made it compulsory for any school in the 'JC' age group or wateva u want to call it to have girls and boys....
pls read
So fuk the fucking policy then. read my lips - fuk it. MOE! FUCK U! AND the rest of yr gang
i think IB is merely a tool to gain publicity. i mean, why don't RI and RGS combine to form a new spanking IP / raffles program school? won't that be a fantastic strategy and give the campus a touch of class? IB is to gain publicity. and don't insult the girls in the picture please.
Meanwhile, let's try predicting wat we would see in Part 3!
maybe we would see an appearance by chij? st. nicks? x)
let's face it
i do believe RI and RGS are combining already through RJ.It's kinda like an integrated Raffles program. All RI and RG students gets direct access into RJ...any rafflesian out there care to explain and confirm?
but seriously, all you people flaming ac should just cool it. i mean, this is getting out of hand here, u insult mun, girls, ac...bascially alot of things, all without an impartial view. we need impartial views!!!! or at least ppl who make an effort to be impartial, in order for this debate to be a fruitful one.
impartial ac guy (hmmmm...)
"i mean, why don't RI and RGS combine to form a new spanking IP / raffles program school? won't that be a fantastic strategy and give the campus a touch of class? IB is to gain publicity."
CLARIFICATION: The IB programme only includes girls when in JC. I repeat, JC. And RI and RGS ARE combining in JC to form the Raffles Programme.
Please, do get your facts right before you write anything.
Double clari: I'm not a guy, and therefore, I am not from ACS. I'm not defending them either, I'm clarifying.
Also, do stop all these sexist talk. Just as the people before me have clarified, each gender has its bad side. And what anonymous means is that women and men are EQUAL in status, but they have different roles.
Yep. And also stop flaming or slandering people you don't even know. That makes people think even lower of you.
honestly, I was quite surprised that wasn't any objections from the AC community when the decision to launch IB and go Co-ed for it. I am quite curious to know if the AC alumni or the current batches of AC kids are really supportive of such a move. I guess the AC spirit kinda got divided and diluted when ACS split into ACS (I) and ACS (barker) and not to mention ACS(Intl).I believe that sense of esprit de corp is no longer as strong as it used to be because of such a division.
Also, the IB co-ed program is quite a contradiction to the AC community as a whole. ACJC was formed with the purpose to take in students from AC and its fellow methodist schools.Why couldn't they set the IB program in ACJC where it is already Co-ed by nature and a more natural progression?
It's sad to see that profit-maximsiation seems to be the key word of the day of them and that it's ok to sell out school tradition.anyway,they kinda got sold out when ACS(I) was formed.
you *points up* seem to be talking from a very biased point of view...=P and from my experiences, most ACS (Barker Road) students think that way.
haha. So...are you from the above forementioned school? lolx
eh...nope...i am not from barker and not a AC old boy either....hehe,but i am glad to say i am from victoria and i am darn proud of my fellow victorians....hehe.nil sine labore.lol.
I m glad two peeps have seen thru my viewpoint and focus of debate. That is precisely it. They already have the JC system in RJC and ACJC with a co-ed cohort. So leave the IB program alone as a single-gender one. There is no need to duplicate and divert resources again. Let one all-galls school do it like RGS did.Cheerio.
dun u get it its sort of a govt rule to have it co-ed. If ACS(I) had its way it'll be all boys
'honestly, I was quite surprised that wasn't any objections from the AC community when the decision to launch IB and go Co-ed for it'
more inaccuracy. there was actually some hostility towards the decision to go co-ed, mainly from old boys etc.
furthermore. they can't put it into ACJC because then they'd have to create a secondary school over there. i'm sure that's easier then making a jc level in a secondary school.
it has to be within the same school because it's a 6 year programme. and last i checked ACJC only offers two years.
get your research done first, then you can talk about how sad 'profit-maximisation' is.
Ok ok. Hold on there. Fuck the MOE policy as I said earlier in a post. Throw this IB thingy to the ACS International one, since it is also co-ed and at the Tarman (therefore different) location. LEave ACS (I) as it is. Create two branches in ACS (international) since it is oredi co-ed, an international and a co-ed branch each. Cheers to my suggestion. And I m not even a AcSian or wateva, tho I hail from a all-boys skool
There is nothing wrong wif profit-maximisation but someone wins, another loses. Can anyone of us be assured we will not always be the losing party? Good luck if it befalls you. I said we do with a FANE and NWO system I envisage in my blogs.
Look ACS is surely doomed. Only Barker will remain truly true blue all-boys. As it is ACS (Int) and ACJC are oredi co-ed. Throw these bimbs to ACS (INT). Leave ACS (i) and ACS (barker) alone.
Can a methodist-affliated all-galls school do it? LEave All-guys ACS (I) alone! LOng live ACS (I)! Boys will be MEN and men will dominate...
geddit? :D
"AC sucks! and's full of poser muscleheads!" "No one likes them!"
"RI has gay nerds!!" "SC bimbos!" "RG nerds!"
dudes... what the hell. staring at girls at the pool? honestly, which gonad-owner wouldn't look?
if a swimmer hunk walked into any of the mentioned girls schools, you'd be a liar to say the girls wouldn't look. then once he takes off his pants and the ACS emblem just shines off his multiple bulges, what then? WHAT? WHAT? your opinion changes?
kiddies.. talk about things that matter. if our country was FILLED with people like your current selves, foreign "en and hou's" could kick our country's butt without even firing a bullet.
even if girls come to acsi it'll still be okay wad..
only the acsi year 5/6 will only be like with girls. maybe a bit of the sec 4s. but the sec 1,2,3 will still be like girl-free??
and everyone just goes round saying asci sucks acsi sucks. but have u ever thought WHY?
why r u saying acsi sucks? just because other ppl are saying it sucks so u say it too?
think first can? if acsi sucks cos SOMEHOW everyone thinks that all acsi ppl are "rich", then WRONG. cos not all are rich
if acsi sucks cos its quite a good school, and u're not in it, then it doesn suck, u're just jealous.
if girls come, maybe the diff they make would be that guys can't say or do sick stuff or whatever that would create a bad impression on the girls..
but im sure this won't change them for the worse. it may even change them for the better making them more polite. but difinitely not changing them to be a sissy.
and, leave those 3 girls alone .. they're innocent.
How do u know they r innocent? looks cant tell dude. There u are. Guys will try to impress. I remember a canoeist at our dear dear Reserve actually like capsized his kayak so tat he could like swim in the water to show off to his fella gall kayaker. WHAT AN ARSE!
Keep those steroid-filled galls off the pool ok. I wld ogle so much an eyelash at them. EWWWWW~~~~
hmmm. some people still can't get it into their heads to find out stuff first. or better yet. it would help if they would just sit down and THINK for a moment. it won't kill you.
they can't put it into acs internation because the fees there are already through the roof, it being (as its name suggests) an international, and therefore somewhat private, school. so by placing the ib programme there, and not in acs (i), you'd basically be telling everyone that "only those who can afford it will enter the IB"
oh, and by the way, international is also using the IB system
and it wouldn't make a difference if it was in an all-girls school, because this same thing would happen all over again, only with the genders reversed.
and thank you to the most recent 'anonymous' for having cleared up some points that some people still don't get yet.
There u are. ACS (INT) is indeed doing the IB. So wat is the diff except perhaps the fees! LUMP THE GALLS there as they oredi hav galls. Imagine duplicating both the IB and the JC system in one fell swoop. IB in ACS (i) and International and galls in ACS (i) and Acjc. whaT ARSES!
so other than just being racists and dull intellectuals, after being co-ed we will be seeing sexists as well... :D cheerio
Look buster! Learn this straight! We here are filled with sexists, ageists and egoists. Get used to all the "ists". OK
Ok People! We r all global citizens! But look at the people ard us! Civilised? Local and foreigners! And the Asians one to boot! Phooey!
yeah there's one up there using the name 'yeah think'.
time to make it clear. again
acs indie and acs international:
so by your logic, you'd basically prevent all those who can't afford the fees from taking IB. since there's no EESIS or ESIP scholarship for students there, as it's a private school. typical.
acs indie and acjc:
are you stupid or dumb. one is using the a level system, one is using the IB. if they were the same we wouldn't be having this discussion. enough said.
besides, if you have something against the IB programme, go slam SJI. they're implementing it. it just so happens that acs independent was first.
and i don't see proof that guys in acs independent are 'racists and dull intellectuals'. if they were racists, i would know. trust me.
Look here again buster. There is no preventing a two-tier fee-scheme in ACS (International) which runs the IB program for an international cohort and the galls and ACSians. SO? What is the problem? I am saying ACJC is running the A level for galls-guys. SO is ACS (I) the IB for both. What duplication and waste!
I am saying
(1) Let a methodist affiliated all-gall school run the IB. No need to bring onboard the galls into ACS (I)
(2) Since ACS (Int) is doing the IB, it can do for both the international and ACSians and galls cohort
(3) Leave ACS (I) as it is to do the IB for boys only. ACJC does the same with A levels(IP) for both guys-galls. No need to duplicate and waste.
I'd like to ask those who oppose the idea of girls bein let in, why the f**k would you care? it does not concern you. Unless you are from ACSI, then yes, you would be affected. If not, why argue so much? A lot seem to hate ACSI, why? becoz they're not from ACSI. trust me, once u get into ACSI, you're bound to change your views about the school.
ACS(I) will still remain as ACS(I).
what's new is ACS(I)IB which is actually after ACS(I).
ACS(I)4 years
take O's or straight to IB(only for ACSI)
ACSI(IB) 2 years
take IB test then off to Uni.
i agree its simply because people arent in ACSI they dont bloody understand the culture and just make assumptions and stereotypes which they are good at.
fucked up sweeping statements.
Comrade LEAVE us ALONE said...
"Look ACS is surely doomed. Only Barker will remain truly true blue all-boys."
Totally agree. but that image of that purity is somewhat marred by the fact that Barker at base level,is a neighbourhood school for rich kids. all style& tradition with the clock tower and red bricks, while the substance of academical and CCA acheivements fester.
the world is definitely coming to an end.
happy holidays!!!!
I am really sorry if I sound like I am from ACS and so vehemently against galls enrolling in a up-to-now male gender school. Fact is I am not, tho I am from an all-boys skool. Dealing wif galls (and guys of coz), I have enuf of their nonsenses. So I say PLEASE KEEP THEM OUT. It is bad as it is with some guys. Wif galls, things will get worse, not better. ENUF OREDI, where else do they wanna encroach? The male toilets as well? They can wear pants, we cant. They can wear bras, we cant. They can do everything we do, but guys r off-limits in childcare/studentcare services, as nannies and maids. What does this say?
hmm, really, what is WRONG with acs? i kindof pity them, sound like a nice target pinned up there for everyone to take turns to shoot at. hm, and i really agree, some captions are tasteless.
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