Singapore Has A FINE Blogosphere!

Not a full issue, still on hiatus, just something to lighten up the mood in the midst of rising tension... ;) - Hou
Oct 10 - We have archived the entry on 'The Diary Of A Chinese High Boy', as the blog now appears to be dead.
Choices < | > Sedition...What?
cool ...
Sigh... yar RI has made ppl to give public apologies about such things... Wah how come this made ST front page??
And yet we ask ourselves: why do we not simply put up unpleasant things about people we don't like on the notice boards outside our neighbourhood bus shelter?
"No notices shall be placed here. Offenders will be referred to the police."
I think we should hit back. I'm sure they can't sue for writing FACTS about their misdeeds, bar opinions, and leave the obvious interpretation open for readers.
We must not give in to the insidious growing clampdown on free speech in this country that is already starting to infiltrate the schools.
Interesting that the dude above me seems so aggressive yet still just calls himself anonymous...
i'm like so freaking pissed when i read that newspaper article! So-called freedom of speech is just rubbish! Now i've to delete comments on my blog cos of offensive remarks against *toot*
it's definitely wrong to make defamatory comments about mrs. Z but it's not wrong to give constructive criticism. or just give the plain facts and let readers infer from it themselves.
mrs Z. wears a maroon skirt with a hoop belt. she matches this with a psychedelic tie-dye shirt and also square spectables with dimensions of 5cmx5cm.
I say we revolt today! We shall go forth, bearing placards of HATE and DISSENT and luv this place anyway..the porn, the blog, the boys...:)HEY! What can an old fuddy-duddy like me ask for? A good spank...i mean wank?
Will someone please do sth pen another blog of web-o-comic on the recent crackdown? I think it will like so lighten up the blogging scene here. What do u guys think? Guys? Guys? GUYSS!!!!
Bleaugh. whatever happened to our right to freedom of speech? Now everyone's so perfect and nice cos we can't write anything we feel about them on a "public domain".
This will lead to an increase of, um, vent up feelings! and then, therefore, an increase of suicides! and perhaps homicides! and we don't want that, do we? (:
I can see that the blogosphere in Singapore is doing fine indeed ... :). I will surely need to put this one on my blogline feed.
I am writing to you all the way from Denmark as an undergraduate student at the Copenhagen Business School -
We actually have two offcially endorsed blog coming about the academic and student life at CBS - one of the blogs concerns the Bsc in business, language and culture which I am attending, and more interstingly for you one concerning Asia; the Asian Studies Program (Bsc in Asian Studies). Check out my blog for further notice.
melody zhixin : You have a point there. The schools don't know what they're doing can be psychologically damaging - students with pent up feelings and nowhere to let steam off may end up in their long-term memory, more subtle actions, or worse.
oui... anyhow critisize us... zheng hu is king ok? catch you go jail ah
haha blogs appear to be exist in a separate world behind the computer screen, where everybody thinks theyre safe... hence the continued rampant illegal downloading.
Some bloggers are amazingly stupid. They put their full name, class and school on their blogs, then go on to insult and slander people. No wonder they are so easily caught. Geez. I'm not saying it's a good thing to post defamatory comments on your blog and name names as well. But if you MUST hurl insults at someone, at least be subtle.
that recent insident was disastrous man, a full scale embaressment to our education system, i do you 2 won't get flank and flogged(wrong spelling) for your blog sooner or later, because you two are like, exposed idendity
Weird world
I think the higher authority is a little too constipated.
boo i love you guys!
What constipation? What higher authority? Who is? I didn't know that? Muahahahahhaha
I don't understand why we are not allowed to speak our minds on our blogs. Well so long it is the truth of course...
Ah, what is truth?
Seeing you saw someone fly First Class, you can be sued for defamation. What more for saying someone is unreasonable?
why dun u expand students sketchpad? a lil outsourcing. maybe make more people work for ur little humour ground? hahaha
=) lol
erm, why don't you blog or draw comics on other schools, like chinese schools. You are always drawing on ASC and SCGS... and all the english schools. a few more other schools will make it more interesting...
i think they're just warning youngsters to be careful of what they write in their blogs.. because the generation of bloggers are becoming younger and younger, and they have no idea what slander is and how they can be sued for it.
and some ppl are really just plain stupid =[ so they're just warning us to be careful, in case next time we grow up unaware of such risks, and start complaining bout their employers on the world wide web. =/
it irks me to read some of the younger students' blogs from my sch.. they put their name, class, sch and photo in there, and complain about their miserable sch life that everyone has experienced before. not only that, they say stuff like "i lurve da orchardz. miee and moi frenz alwaez hanggg outt in da orchardz." *cough cough* this shows how mindless they can be =O
hey this site has always brightened up my day. i look forward to the entry after exams! =)
hahaha. now i see why they say singpore's a FINE country.
yayy it's 10th october! can't wait can't wait. x)
Archived Diary of a Chinese High Boy:
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