Tuesday, March 28, 2006

No New Issues?

Our readers must be wondering why there was no entries since early March. We just can't get any issues out at this time due to the current workload - block tests and huge amounts of work load to clear.

Just as we poke fun at our education system, we are the very victims of this same system.

So, let's just say that we're on a mini-hiatus, or end of Season Two. We'll probably be back on cartooning later, although there's no fixed schedule for this.

The Students' Sketchpad

< How Project Work Came About (Pt 1) | Another Photo Speaks a Thousand Words... > | G for... >

Sunday, March 05, 2006

How Project Work Came About (Pt I)

STUDENTS SKETCHPAD by En & Hou - At MOE HQ... - Uh-oh. - Singaporeans can't work together. What can I do? - Implement Project Work!
By giving vague objectives and limited creative boundaries, students will be forced to circumvent these guidelines to give insipid discoveries! - Take for example 'New Persepctives'. - This is not 'Forced gay sex', but 'Creative expressionism'! - Creative!
This is not 'office brutailty', but 'female enpowerment'! - Enpowered! - 'Suicide'? Bah! This is an 'inspired de-stressing method'! - De-stress!
Your staff is destressed, enpowered and expressive! You have a 'Great Office'! - Using the skills of Project Work, I have solved all your problems! - Mmm...I have a 'Great Office'.

"New perspectives" was an actual 2005 Project Work question. - Hou

To Be Continued...

An ACSian Will Die Today (Pt III) < | No New Issues? > | Another Photo Speaks a Thousand Words... > | G for... >>